Thinking Out Loud

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud! This is the place to discuss the issues. I look forward to sharing my thoughts here… about what’s happening around the globe – human struggles, politics, international humanitarian law, policy issues… and some random and casual thoughts… we might even talk music and sports. I invite you to share your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions in the comment section below each post. I look forward to reading your comments and replying to (some of) them. I hope you will come back each week and let’s keep the conversation going!
With gratitude… Lara

Gender apartheid in Taliban Afghanistan

Gender Apartheid in Taliban Afghanistan

~ 15 July 2024 ~Since regaining power in Afghanistan in…

Farewell to a friend

Farewell to a Friend

~ 2 July 2024 ~It is with sad hearts that…

Gaza's Human Suffering

Gaza’s Human Suffering

~ 24 June 2024 ~For more than nine months, the…

International Criminal Court OTP ICC seeks arrest warrants

ICC Seeking Arrest Warrants

~ 23 May 2024 ~The International Criminal Court (ICC) is…

Kwibuka in Rwanda is a period of 100 days remembering the lives lost during the 1994 genocide.

Kwibuka Rwanda

~ 11 April 2024 ~Every year in Rwanda, 7 April…

A Ceasefire in Gaza

A Ceasefire in Gaza

~ 23 February 2024 ~The United States has vetoed another…